SECTION I - 8 questions.
1. Interchange of letters in a word and the adjacent letters are also to
be changed. given letters series like [also few condotions]
If we apply 25 on this it means we have to interchange the letters
at positions 2 and 5, and we have to change the adjacent letters 2 and 5
from A to B and B to A.
That is q's A B B A A B
after Step 1 i.e interchange 2 and 5.
now change adjacent elements of 2 and 5...finally answer becomes
Ans: B A A B B A
//Hint: As per question papers 5 questions above like but numbers
6. To get AAABBD from BBBAAA what ot apply:-
a) 25 b) 34 c)25 & 34 d) none
1. Given the function f(n a b c ) = ac if n=1
f(n a b c) = f( n-1 a b c) + f( 1 a b c) + f( n-1 b a c )
if n > 1
f( 2) = ?
Ans: f( 2 a c b ) = ab + ac + bc.
2. similar question in functions.
3. [ based on function in 1.] f( 4 a b c ) the number of terms is...?
Ans: f( 4 a b c ) = f( 3 a c b ) + f( 1 a b c ) + f( 3 b a c ) etc.
= 5ab + 5ac + 5bc.
4. f( 5 a b c ) = ?
Permutations and Combinations.
8 questions.
1. r = number of flags;
n = number of poles;
Any number of flags can be accommodated on any single pole.
i) r=5,n=5 The no. of ways the flags can be arranged ?
ii) to iv) are based on this.
6. r= 5 n = 3 . If first pole has 2 flags ,third pole has 1 flag
how many ways the remaining can be arranged?
7.& 8. same as above. SECTION IV
Question consising of figures consist of 4 small squares and every square
having an arrow pointing in one Direction.
GRE test of reasoning.
hint: What is the next sequence if we tilt the figure by 90 degrees like
that( clockwise and mirror images ? ).
In this section first part of compound word is given. Select meaning of
the second part from the choice given:
1. Swan
2. Swans
3. Fool
4. Fools
5. Stare
6. Lady
For all above 4 choices are given.....
Eg. Swan
a) category b) music c) --- d) none
Ans: Swansong is compound word. But song is not given as option. so
b) music is answer.
*This paper contains 40 questions and time is 60mts.*/
Find the sequence:
( d is always NONE )
1. BC CE EG GK ?
a)KN b)KU c)KM d)
a)EG b)EH c)EI d)
3. AB EF JK QR ?
a)YZ b)ZA c)AB d)
a)QST b)QSZ c)QSY d)
a)EJ b)EI c)EL d)
a)EH b)EZ c) EB d)
a)VS b)VK c)VI d)
a)CN b)BM c)AI or AZ d)
F(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X NOT EQUAL TO ZERO
if f(X=0)=0
9. f(5) VALUE
a)15 b)24 c)22 d)NONE 10.f(f(2))
11.f(16)- f(15)
13.f(f(x))=81 THEN VALUE OF X=
14.f(X)=4f(X-1) THEN VALUE OF X=
15.f(X)= f(X-1)+f(X-2) FOR X>1 THEN X=
16.f(X)-f(X-1)=f(X-8) FOR X>5 THEN X=
###In the follwing questins we r giving 'aword' which may not have any
meaning.Find differnet possible words or palandrams for the word as per que.
I. for the following find no of distinct words that can be formed.
A).420 B)1540 C)840 D)NONE
same.They might have changed the questionsfor20,21,22.Concentrate on that
25 to 32 are figures.Uhave to analyse them.He will give five figs.One is not
It having complete of figs.(26 -32)
For following first find out the anagram and then note the corresponding
33.TABLET(anagram means first u arrange the letters in correct order like
(TABLET===BATTLE . so ans is FIGHT i.e. B)
For all above choices are.
A) resentment B)Fight c)Help d) Monster
38. LAMB
For above 4 choices are same
A)cuddle B)sleeping c)proclamination d)ointment.
1. In a triangle ABC AB=AC then all the following are correct
exept one. Find that.
2. Ten years ago the father's age is seven times the son's
age. Two years later father's age is twice the son's. Then the
find the ages.
3. The father's age is 3 times the son's. After 15 years its age
becomes twice the son's. Find the son's age now.
4. Two times which are started from stations A and B which are
seperated by 110 km. One train leaves station A at 7 am. and
travels 20 kmph. The other train leaves station B at 8 am. will
speed of 25 kmph. Then at what time will they meet if they are
travelling in opposite direction.
a) 7 am. b) 10 am. c) 12 noon. d) 11 am.
5) x+2y=2 , 2x-y=4 then
i)x=2 ii)x=0 y=0 iii) x-y=2
a)i only b) ii only c) none d)i and ( ) only
6) In a family E is the father of two sons and a daugher who is
unmarried. Daugher in-law is an officer whose brother_in_law A
is Engineer. C is doctor. The sister of B is Violenist who learnt Violin from B's wife. Then
6) What is the relationship between A&B. (ans. brothers)
7) Who is the wife of B (ans. officer)
8) What is the relation between E&B. (ans. father and son)
9) In a word COINCIDENCE the 1st letter is interchanged with
3ed letter and 2nd letter with 4th and so on. So what is the
seventh letter from the right after interchanging.
ans is D.
10) Minmise 123658/234586= (ans is 0.52)
11) A and B can do a work in 6 days. B alone can do in 16 days.
After 3 days B withdraws. Then how many days can be needed by A
to do the work alone.
12) Two men and Three boys can do a work in 6 days. 3 men and 5 boys
can do that work in 4 days. Then 8 men and 8 boys can do in how many
123 means LITTLE BRIGHT BOY and 435 means GIRL IS BRIGHT and 267 means LITTLE THING LLOGAL . Then LITTLE is represented by_______.
ans is 2.
14 to 17 ( R.S Agarwal suggested )
On same relation like HELMET-HEAD then
HIDE _ ? ( BOUND ans.)
18to 22
Assertion and reason following (R.S Agarwal suggested)
23 to 25
Having the opposite meaning of relation given (ENGLISH)
25 TO 30
30 to 35 ---> Figuring NON VERBAL
36 TO 38 ----> A simillarity between two figures is given.
You have to find the same simillar figure from the choice.
39 to 41 ----> Correction of sentences.
42. How many times a minute & hours hands will meet together in a
day. ans. 22 times.
43. In a total of 36 vehicles after one car there is one scooter.
After 2nd car there will be two scooters and after 3ed car there
will be 3 scooters so on . then find the number of scooters in
the right half of arrangement. ans. 13 check.
44. All Hoopes are Dupes
All fears are liars so
i) All hoopes are fears ii) All dupes are liars
45. & 46. like above.
47). Find the statement which gives correct explanartion to
the contradictory statements.
i). doctor told that "Drug adicts can not have their habit
ii). some surveys indicate that all the drug addicts left their
drug habit.
a) . Doctor do not know about drug addicts.
b). servays does not include every drug addict
c). Drug addiction is a bad habit.
d). will power make people leave their habbit.
48 to 54.
- - a - b b a - b - c like this.
[ simple Qns from R.s.agarwal]
55. A shop keeper selling a product for 10% discount to the market
price . but by bourgaining he got 10% profit of the costprice.
Market price is 300Rs. Find the cost price.
56. Customer needs 30% discount . But shopkeeper give 20% and 10%
succesively. Then
a). Whether customer got less profit than what he needed.
b).will he got more.
c). no loss
d). none
57. Cost price of two articles is 800. If he sells one article at
3/4 th of cost price and another article at 4/3 rd of cost price
Then he will loss 12 Rs. Then SP of article is.
a). 600,400 b). 500, 400 c). 500,500 d). none
58 What is the longest four digit numbr which when divided by 12,17,35
leavining same remainder 5
a) 8825 b)8725 c) 8025 d) none
59) If travels 300 meters in first two hours and next 200 mts in 3 hours
and 150 meters in 2.5 hours. Find the avg speed.
a) 56 b) 58 c)50 d) 60
ans) 60
CTS - COLOUR: VIOLET | DATE: 06/06/2004
The paper contains a total of 40 questions, there is
negative marking also. Total time is ONE HOUR . Following are some
questions that I remember.
1.x==2+2^(2/3)+2^(1/3) .Then what is the value of x^3-6X^2+x?
here X^Y indicates X to the power of Y.
a. -3 b. 0 ....
2.A circle is inscribed in a Triangle of side 6cm. And a square is
inscribed in the Circle. What is the area of square?
(3-4) There are two bridges running parallel over river Kauvery, and
they are 1 KM apart. A man started rowing the boat upstream under
first bridge, his hat fell into river while he was exactly under
second bridge. He realized that after 15 mts, and started rowing in
opposite direction, he eventually caught his hat under First Bridge.
What is the speed of river Kauvery?
What is the speed of boat in still water?
(5-10) There are five traders Timber, Steel, Cotton, Boots, Wood .
Each sent a Collection of items between them. No two traders have
sent the items among themselves. i.e., The Trader who had received
items from X can't send items to X. Steel sent Wood a collection of
boots. Boots sent wood to the sender of Timber. One more condition
is there I don't remember. But the puzzle was little bit tough. One
can get easily confused because the trader names and trading item names are same. Try to rename them and solve u can come up with an
answer, otherwise it might be difficult to untangle the puzzle.five
questions on this like
Who received cotton?
Who sent Timber?
What did Timber receive? Etc.,
11. A train is moving at a speed of 25kmph, and another train moving
in the same direction at a speed of 49kmph crossed a man in first
train in 10 sec? What is the length of second train? (These are not
actual values but model is important).
12.A cube has a surface area of 864sqcms. It is divided into smaller
cubes of equal size and their surface area is 216sqcms. Find the
number of smaller cubes?
a.4 b.8 c.12 d 16 ANS: b
13.There are two milk cans. First can contains water and milk in the
ratio 1:3 and the second contains milk and water in the ratio 2:2.
Some milk from first can and some from second can is mixed in another
can. New can has 12 liters of mixture in the ratio 3:5(water to
milk). How much milk is taken from first and second can.
A 6,6 B 7,5 C 5,7 D 4,8 ANS:A
14.A person pays a tax of 10%,if his salary increases by 10% he need
to pay a tax of 15%.The total gain he obtains after increment in
salary is 350Rs .What is his salary? a.12000 b 10000 c.8000 d.14000 Ans:b
15.Rajesh walks on pavement around the garden of size 60*40.The
pavement width is 1 meter. What is the area of Pavement?
a.204 b.102 c.306 d.428 Ans:a
16.A man runs around a square of side 10kms in different speeds as
given below, find the average speed. 1st side: 10kmph, 2nd Side:
20kmph, 3rd side: 30kmph, 4th side: 40kmph
a.19.2 b.20 c. 27 d. 26.5
(17-18) Sreesha starts from Bangalore to go to Sitapur. First two
hours he moves at constant speed ,suddenly his car tyre gets
punctured, so he took 10 minutes to start again.Then he moved at a
constant speed of 30 kmph. By the he reached Sitapur,he was late by
30 minutes. If his car was punctured 30 kms before sitapur, he could
have been late only by 15 minutes.
What is the distance between Sitapur and Bangalore?
What is the speed with which he started from Bangalore?
19.A university library has two big books placed adjacent to each
other. Of which first book is to the left of Second one. A book worm
started from the first book, and went on making a hole in a straight line through the second book. If the covers are of width 1/4 th of a
centimeter and the books a have a width of 2 cm then how much
distance did the book worm cover?
A 3cm B 4cm C 5cm D 2cm Ans C (1/4+2+1/4+1/4+2+1/4)
20.There are 1000 doors closed. Here each goes through a door , which
indicates he closes the door if it is open, and vice versa. 1st
person goes through each door, and 2nd person goes through doors that
are divisible by 2 and like that nth person goes through doors that
have numbers divisible by n. how many doors are opened after 1000
persons going through the doors?
a.500 b.150 c.62 d.31 Ans:d
(The doors remaining opened at the end are the ones that have square
numbers i.e., 1,4,9,16....)
(21-24) They are on Data Sufficiency.
21.Find the two numbers
i)The product of two numbers is 24.
ii)The sum of two numbers is 10.
22. Find the increase in % of salary of a person from 1997 to 2000
i)His salary increased by 10% in each of the following
years 1998,1999,2000
ii) I don't remember... But answer is i) is sufficient 23 & 24 are simple..but go through these type of models.
(25-30) Sentence completion.
I don't remember exact sentences, but I am giving the words that I
found as answers among them, just remember the meaning of these words
you can easily answer.
26.Embellished...attractive(not meaning but answers for two blanks
they have given)
(31-32) Two questions are of conclusion type. Given some information
and asked some questions .They are not problematic ,just general
31. A company provides some Plans for Old age persons in India
regarding their health. The plans actually are too costly, so No one
showing interest in joining the Plans.What step among the following
will favor company's plans ?
Some steps were given in a, b, c, d. You need to select
the best one.
32. A private organization started a new Scheme on paying School
fees. The plan is that if the Parents pay some amount before their children join in Schools, the Organization will look after their fees
payments ..what ever course they may do..the company will bear the
amount? What do you find the reason for Parents not to join in this
Some reasons were given in a, b, c, d. You need to select the
best one.
33. 60 members complete a work in 40 days. They worked for 10 days.
And eventually 10 members quit the job and remaining people worked
for another 10 days. and again 10 of them quit the job. This
continued for every 10 days. How many days did workers take to finish
the work?